Tko pita - skita!

Home, sweet home!

5 training days in the land of Miguel de Cervantes.

Luckily I had a chance to explore not only Croatia but Spain as well.  It was second part of the transnational initiative “Community makers!”. By the way, the first part of it was a training course in Pula, Croatia. In Spain we learned about different sides of media.

Spanish people like potatoes more than Estonians! For dinner we always had something mixed with potatoes: eggs with potatoes, vegetables with potatoes, deeply fried potatoes with mushrooms or bacon, potatoes with garlic sauce. By the way, onions and garlic are also among their favourite spices. On the streets of Toledo, you can even smell and see smashed onions.

In many places in Spain, it is possible to see a lot of things devoted to Don Quixote: bars of chocolate and marzipan, monuments, statues, figurines, magnets, etc.

Christmas time in Spain is magical: very pretty decorations, especially during the night, but the Xmas tree on the main square was a disaster for me – just a metal construction with lights.

As I’ve never been in Spain I thought it’s always summer season there. I was wrong. In the northern part, December is pretty freezing but sunny 🙂

Anyway, we spent very nice days in Toledo, Madrid and a small village called Numancia. Now we are experienced travellers!

Surprise in Estonia!

39 hours of challenging way back to Estonia. I spent a very nice and at the same time awful sleepless night in Trieste. During the twelve hours I needed to spend there, I was in two Chinese bars, without wifi on the bus station and train station. I got super cold that night, but after meeting a drunk guy who brought me a cup of tea, a smile came back to my face. I met a few Erasmus exchange students who are musicians and one of them even brought me to his place to wait for the bus! Thank you, blond long hair guy David! Luckily, I met two girls in Milano who showed me the way to the airport 🙂

It was super duper nice. In the end I remember my fast beating heart on the plane. I experienced emotionally and physically hard coming back home.

I really don’t remember when was the last time I had slept at least till noon but that day my dreams lasted till 1 pm. The first thing to do was to eat homemade lunch. But the best part of the first day was a surprise that I made for my friends. Can you imagine, nobody knew that I am coming! My brother was hiding behind the curtains thinking that I am a ghost! And the first question from my friend was – did you cancel you EVS?! Some of my friends were crying! It was so heart-stirring 🙂

The next evening we did a small jam where we were playing some random music and just having fun. For me, it was a bit heart-breaking and at the same time happiest moment because I missed that so much.

I also took a walk in my most favourite place on planet Earth – Dark Garden. It’s an old park with fresh air, lots of trees and a small hill where you can easily climb and hide like you are the only person in this world. Peaceful.

One morning I went to my high school. I had a feeling like it’s been years since the last time I was there. I met my teachers and took a brief walk through the school. It was a day full of the past.

There were so many things I wanted to do… for example ice-skate, or to make a karaoke party. But I simply had no time for that. Meeting family and friends takes a lot of time.

I can say that it was right decision to go for a few day to snowy Estonia.

Slovenia! Oh, Slovenia!

What would you choose? To take a walk on the foggy coast of the lake or to climb up of the stairs for 20 minutes to see the waterfall? To eat pancakes for breakfast in the caffe or to cook pasta for a dinner? To drink a cup of coffee looking at the mountains and lake or to visit the very fast river and feel the energy of the place?

Well, time flies fast but I managed to do all of it! And it was wonderful. To feel the desire of your emotions that wanted to jump into the dangerous river. To see a mysterious morning fog and a fascinating pinkish sunset. To eat breakfast when it was actually lunch time 🙂

This time, I visited Triglavski Narodni park. I was to Lake Bohinj, Radovna river in the Vintgar gorge, Savica waterfall and Lake Bled. One more time, Slovenia made me fall in love.

I was there in 2018 once already, in a peaceful town called Portorož. It was a foggy day that I spent with other volunteers from Pula and Vodnjan. Staring into nothingness and trying to find some beautiful shells – that’s all from me for now. 🙂



Tko pita - skita!


Maybe it´s not about happy ending. Maybe it`s about the story – Albert Camus.

Ooh wonderful OKay Go!

Last week I participated in the training course “Community makers” which included sessions with the trainer ( @dejanhren) about marketing, time for inspiration (videos and lectures) and time for content writing. I organized ice-breaking games and energizers. I did a bit of photography as well 🙂

Well, if you need a bit of inspiration watch this – How to find wonderful idea!

I knew that the music group OKay Go are good, but I didn’t know they do all these things! Wonderful!

I need snow! 

Can you imagine all this freshness of white shiny snow? When millions of snowflakes crack under your toes. When it`s so cold that trees freeze and become white. Yes, cold, but so beautiful!
Now, imagine, you spent one hour just walking in the snowy park. You can feel that you have snow even inside of you. It cleans… your mind, your heart and your body. And now after this fluffy walk you come back home. You immediately go to take a hot shower because you cannot feel your fingers. You spend there at least 10 minutes just to enjoy this moment… Then you go to bed and quickly fall asleep with a pleased smile. Feels like a blessing.

But not in Pula! The last snow here was in 2009 and it lasted for 3 days. By the way, my lovely Ljubljana is a bit covered with a snow right now.

In my head is English, but I speak Russian! 

During these last 2 weeks I had been devoured by my mind. There is nothing funny about it. I faced my fears. I faced anger and mess in my head.

Going on this EVS was a very spontaneous decision. I had been approved very quickly. The thing is that before my service I had planned my life for the next 4 years. I had been sleeping and waking up with these thoughts. Nobody thought I would go so far away from home for 9 months. I was ready for EVS but I prepared myself for university. I had been packing things for uni already and then came this day: they approved me for EVS in Croatia. It was a lot of pressure from the outside and inside. No, I don´t regret that I made this decision. But there is one little breakdown. I am still there… in Estonia. I moved to Viljandi to study at the Cultural Academy. I can feel it. My soul still lives in Estonia. I am not homesick or depressive. I am not here.


Tko pita - skita!

Što južnije, to.. :)


‘’Ciao, kako si?’’ Prošlo je samo mjesec dana, a ovaj pozdrav mi je prešao u naviku.  Jel’ znate da u Makedoniji ciao se kaže samo kada odlaziš..

Prošao je mjesec, a ja se već osjećam kao da sam čitav život provela u vašem gradu.


A zašto? Pa.. moje je ime Ivana, ja dolazim iz Skoplja; glavnog grada one male, a toliko divne države na Balkanu. Ovdje sam na EVS razmjeni mladih, a bit ću ovdje još 8 mjeseci.

Završila sam fakultet povijesti u Skoplju, tako da smatram sebe za HISTORY FANATIC. Volim sve što je staro, jer po meni samo to ima pravu vrijednost. Baš super što sam ovdje jer je vama čitav grad muzej.


Osim što ovdje nisu moji roditelji, brat (najviše mi fali) i prijatelji… Ok, možda mi ponekad fali I Skoplje, ali Pula ima more pa sve je u redu.


Tijekom ovog mjeseca najveća fora mi je da pustim Stingovu pjesmu ‘’English man in New York’’ i krenem kroz grad. OK, prije nego što sam krenula, mislila sam da će ova moja pjesma opisati čitav moj osjećaj, ali zapravo, na moju veliku sreću, nije baš tako ispalo.  


Bilo je nešto ovako.. ja na tržnici. Jedan veoma dobar čovjek me pitao: ‘’Iz koje si srednje škole?’’
‘’Pa… prvo hvala, al’ ja sam to davno prošla u Makedoniji’’
A on, sav sretan, je počeo pjevati makedonsku staru pjesmu – ‘’Bitola moj roden kraj!’’ Tako da, oprosti Sting, ali… NA BALKANU SAM.


Dopustite da vam ispričam o prvom utisku… Stigla sam na glavni kolodvor, a na sebi imala veliki zimski kaput, a ovdje je bio 20 stupnjeva… Baš sam bila atrakcija. Prvo što sam ovdje osjetila je bila sol u zraku. Možda vi toga niste svjesni ali vjerujte čovjeku koji dolazi iz zemlje koja nema more, ali imamo najstarije jezero u Europi, pa nadoknadimo. 🙂 

Sljedeći dan, nedjelja.. Rekla sam sebi ‘’OK, nedjelja je, ali moram pogledati grad…’’
Nakon što sam stala kod Giardina, a svi su bii van 🙂  ‘’MA BRAVO, tako se radi na Balkanu – svi na kafu, pa sunčan je dan’’


Znate, mislila sam da je puno drugačije i da će biti potrebno puno vremena da se prilagodim, ali zapravo… sve je isto. Mentalitet Makedonaca i Hrvata su veoma slični i to je super. Zaista mi je drago što sam bila ovako prihvaćena u vašoj zajednici i hvala vam na tome.


Moj dojam Pule: već sam rekla, za povjesničara ovo je idealno mjesto, a kad na to dodamo more, sunce, ljude, hranu i glazbu onda je skoro savršeno… 

Skoro savršeno jer nemate bijeli sir i makedonski ajvar. A što se tiče glazbe, zaista mi je drago kad čujem pjesme Toše Proeski ovdje. Vidim da njega nitko ne može da zaboravi. Osim toga, druga stvar oko glazbe… Mislim da sam ja jedini čovjek koji sluša Gibonija i Olivera u Puli.


Isto je predivno vidjeti da je ujutro 10 stupnjeva u 11. mjesecu, a onda ti bude žao za moje u Skopju koji sad imaju -3. pogledaj 🙂 

ili poslušaj 🙂

Ovo su samo moji prvi dojmovi, ali ne bih voljela da se promijene. Vidjet ćemoili ćemo ben… moram i ovo dobro skužiti.

Gdje danas, gdje sutra Tko pita - skita!

Na kavi s…Jelenom Petranović

Još jedno izdanje ‘’Na kavi s…’’ održat će se 19.listopada u 18 sati u prostoru Udruge ZUM (Flavijevska 8 – pored Arene). Naime, radi se o seriji putopisnih predavanja koje održavaju zanimljivi predavači i govornici, a istaknuli bismo prošlogodišnje gostovanje biciklista Hrvoja Jurića .‘’

Ovoga puta ugostit ćemo Jelenu Petranović koja će posjetiteljima podijeliti svoje doživljaje s jednog neobičnog putovanja. Prošle je godine hodanjem prešla 260 kilometara, odnosno jednu etapu stare rimske ceste, Vie Egnatie. Za Jelenu je taj put od Bitole do Thessalonikia bila jedna posve nova avantura koju je iskustila s  grupom strastvenih zaljubljenika u hodanje te studenata i profesora sa studija urbanistike I.U.A.V u Veneciji. Priču o 

Kako je umjesto hotela spavati na nogometnim igralištima, prijeći 30 kilometara dnevno isključivo hodanjem ii što je to tsipouro – saznajte na Jeleninom predavanju kada će ispričati posjetiteljima detalje s novog putovanja.

‘’Na kavi s…’’ promiče putovanje na nekonvencionalan način, a održat će se u sklopu Eurodeskove internacionalne Time to Move kampanje i programa Perpetuum Mobile koji je financiran od strane Ministarstva za demografiju, obitelj, mlade i socijalnu politiku.

Time to Move objedinjava razna događanja koja će se odvijati u listopadu diljem Europe, a odnose se na prilike za studiranje, stručnu praksu i volontiranje u inozemstvu, te sudjelovanje na razmjenama mladih (odnosi se na sve mlade osobe u dobi od 13 do 30 godina koje imaju mogu otputovati u inozemstvo na kraće razdoblje i biti dio zabavnih i poučnih projekata na određenu temu). Za više infomacija o ovim prilikama te kako sudjelovati, pozivamo zainteresirane mlade da se jave Udruzi ZUM (uživo,  ili putem Facebook stranice Info-centar za mlade ZUM).